chat with Kennedy
This week’s editorial is “Beware
of predictions, this is
Kardec’s advice”, which
discusses why the future is
not normally given to man to
Interviewed by our
collaborator Orson Peter
Carrara, our colleague
Kennedy Gomes Martins, a
native of Sertãozinho-SP,
where he lives and works in
the Spiritist Center God and
Charity and GRAAUS - Group
for the Recovery of
Alcoholics and Drug Addicts
Augusto Silva, talks about
his experience as
coordinator of study groups,
spiritist lecturer and
clinical psychologist, which
is his professional
activity. The interview is
one of the features of this
Another feature of the week
is the review that José
Passini, from Juiz de Fora-MG,
prepared about the book “Lilies
of Hope”, a work
psychographed by the medium
Wanderley Soares de Oliveira
and spiritual authorship of
Ermance Dufaux.
Paulo Salerno in a new
special report, which is
also one of the features of
this issue, talks about
Divaldo Franco’s visits to
other German cities like
Munich and Berlin, the
Netherlands and Denmark.
On this day - June 5 - we
celebrate another
anniversary of the founding
of the USE - Union of the
Spiritist Societies of the
State of São Paulo, which
occurred in 1947 at the
initiative of the four main
spiritist institutions then
existing in the state
capital: Spiritist Synagogue
New Jerusalem, Spiritist
Federative Union of São
Paulo, Spiritist Federation
of São Paulo and Spiritist
League of São Paulo.