André Trigueiro speaks about
ecology and the environment
This week’s editorial, “It
is a mistake to link the
Spiritist doctrine with
racism” reviews the decision
drawn up by the federal
judge Marcelo Freiberger
Zandavali of the 3rd
Federal Court of Bauru, in
regards to the class action
lawsuit filed by Mr. Pedro
Valentim Benedito against
the Spiritist Broadcast
Institute, from Araras-SP.
Among the features of the
week, we call the reader's
attention to the interview
given by the colleague André
Trigueiro, author of the
book "Spiritism and
Ecology", to our
collaborator Guaraci de Lima
Journalist with a
postgraduate degree in
Environmental Management
from COPPE/UFRJ, creator and
teacher of the course
"Environmental Journalism"
in the Social Communication
program at PUC / RJ,
reporter and host of "News
at Ten" from Globo News, and
the 'Cities and Solutions ",
from the same station, where
he is editor in chief, André
talks about his favorite
subject, namely the
environment and its
implications with the
Spiritist teachings.
Another feature of this
edition is the special
article where the colleague
Jáder Sampaio, from Belo
Horizonte-MG, analyzes the
book "Evidence of Survival"
by Carlos Antônio Fragoso
Guimarães, published by
Madras in 2004.
Divaldo Franco’s European
tour continues, as shown in
the report of Paul Salerno,
which focuses on the stay of
the estimated speaker in
cities in Poland, Austria
and the Czech Republic.
On this day - June 12th
– in the year of 1851,
Oliver Joseph Lodge, English
physicist, writer and
researcher was born in
Penkhull. Lodge is the
author of two books
important to us spiritists,
"Raymond" and "Why I believe
in the immortality of the
soul?” that was the object
of a methodical and
sequential study in editions
31 through 41 of this