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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 5 - N° 214 - June 19,  2011
Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Aloísio Carlos da Silva:

“The main aim of our reincarnation is to forgive”

The author of the book A Terapêutica do Perdão (The Therapeutics of Forgiving talks about the importance of forgiving and how to proceed to practice it throughout our lives

Aloísio Carlos da Silva (photo), a university lecturer with a Master degree in Education, has been a Spiritist from birth. He was born in the city of Muriaé, in Minas Gerais, bu lives in the seaside city of Gurapari, in the state of Espírito Santo, where he is the president and founder of the local Society of Spiritist Studies. He is the author of many books, including academic works. He agreed to talk to us about the subject of forgiveness and his newly published book, A Terapêutica do Perdão

How did you become a Spiritist?  

I was first take to a Spiritist Centre when I six-months old. I became a passionate disseminator of the Doctrine of the Immortals in 1989, after a serious crisis of obsession (spirit attachment). I came out of the crisis convinced that I had made a commitment to Spiritism before reincarnating. In July 1989 I began making speeches and giving lectures across the country. In the year 2000, I had done more than 1,000 such speeches and lectures.  

Why did you choose the theme of forgiveness for your book? 

I believe that in the current stage of our spiritual development, the main aim of our reincarnation is to forgive others and us. Our families on Earth are formed following a careful plan from the Spiritual World, based exactly on the principle of forgiveness. Resentment and guilt have managed to immobilise us through entire existences. Overcoming those feelings eases our path towards the light. The word forgiving in Portuguese, perdão, comes from Latin, perdonare: per meaning intensity and donare meaning giving, donating. Donating with intensity is what it means, giving to those who don’t wish you well, to wish well those who persecute us and slender us. That is the teaching of Jesus. 

Where did the idea of writing the book come from? 

It came from a personal matter involving the Spiritist Movement. The pain and disappointment was so great at the time. I talked to Divaldo Franco, the medium, who reminded me that we all went through similar experiences, starting with Jesus. In the Spiritist Movement, he mentioned Dr Bezerra de Menezes, Chico Xavier and others. But I went through a painful and very tough experience, a baptism of fire for those who are determined to disseminate the Gospel according to Spiritism. 

In the following chapters, you mention several similar cases. Tell us about that. 

The personal stories of other people came up to my mind, and I began writing about them. Later, I began mentioning them in my speeches and lectures around the country. 

And what is the reaction from the audience? 

People empathise because we are all, in a way, very similar. Some, once they become aware that I am a Spiritist speaker, come to me and feel comfortable to share their personal stories.  

How do you define the links between forgiveness, unbalances, illnesses and health? 

As I mention in some of the chapters, there is a direct and immediate link. Resentment and guilt bring about immediate health problems, that include diarrhoea, back pain, depression, anxiety, nervous problems in general, early ageing. They also lead to the formation of diseases such as cancer, heart conditions, breathing problems etc. Some of those illnesses will follow us beyond the grave and will be part of our next reincarnation. 

What is the biggest gain for those who forgive? And why? 

People feel liberated, initially, and later gain peace and they achieve the true joy of living. It is like taking 200kg off your back. 

What has been the impact of that debate? 

It’s been very big. During the lectures and speeches, many people cry as I invite them to go into an immersion, to look inside them. They discover the internal “God” they are and find out that forgiving is possible, provided they have the right tool. The first edition of the book sold out very quickly and that is the main reason. People have recommended it to their friends and relatives. 

Tell us a story that has a special meaning to you. 

A young Spiritist left a book on a table on his parents’ home. Some time later, the father, who was jealous, was planning to throw petrol on the wife and set her on fire. As he waited for his wife to arrive from work and to put into practice his plan, he picked up the book and began reading. He of course gave up the tragic idea. It was the father who told me the story, in tears. He is now a regular at a Spiritist Centre and is part of the team that feeds soup to the poor in his town. 

How do we do to truly forgive? How can we achieve that? 

First, we must understand and accept that whatever happens to us is meant to do us good. Second, we must realise that we are never the victims. If something apparently negative happened to us, we know that at least we have atoned. We should also learn not to take things so personally. Those who hurt us have in them lots of internal conflicts. That is why they have done what they’ve done, not because they dislike us particularly. Once you understand that, you must really long to forgive and to seek help. To read Spiritist books is one way, to look for assistance in Spiritist Centres, another. And also the daily prayer, which is very important. 

Anything else you would like to add? 

I have three passions that keep me going: my family (parents, wife and my five children), Spiritism and the third is my job as professor of Philosophy. I host a weekly programme – www.radioespiritia.net.br -- which goes on air on Thursdays, at 20h00, and is repeated on Saturday, at the same time. In the programme, I answer to questions from our listeners.



The book mentioned is available to buy from its publishers, Solidum Editora, phone number 0800 770 2200.



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