chat with Sandra Mussi about
the Canadian
Spiritist movement
week’s editorial, We must
save the Audio Library Salt
& Light, comments on the
difficulties that may lead
to the closure of the Audio
Library Salt & Light,
founded 25 years ago in the
city of Rio de Janeiro.
Sandra Mussi, from Toronto,
the provincial capital of
Ontario, Canada, is our
interview of the week.
Sandra, who until recently
was president of the
Canadian Spiritist Council,
is the Doctrinal Coordinator
of TSS - Toronto Spiritist
Society, a Spiritist society
she helped found in August
2010. In the interview,
which is one of the features
of this edition, she talks
about her initiation into
Spiritism and tells how the
Spiritist movement is doing
in Canada.
Another highlight of this
issue is the special article
by Leda Maria Flaborea on
the parable of the Good
Samaritan and the need we
all have to include the
practice of goodness and
charity as an important
ingredient of the acts of
our lives.
Last month at the Lost
Theatre in London, writer
and researcher Guy Lyon
Playfair gave an important
lecture as shown in Claudia
Werdine’s report, also one
of the features of the week.
Friday, July 1st, we
celebrated one more
anniversary of the launch of
the first Spiritist
periodical of Brazil - The
Echo d'Beyond the Tomb
founded and directed by Luís
Olímpio Teles de Menezes, in
Salvador, Bahia. Appearing
in 1869, the newspaper
reached 56 pages and was
available abroad in cities
like London, Madrid, New
York and Paris.