What different religions say
about death
This week’s editorial,
Among those called to
Spiritism many will go
astray, examines the
criticism that some
colleagues have on the
practice adopted by many
Spiritist Centers to worry
about welcoming and
comforting those people who
seek them, driven by all
types of problems.
Ana Lúcia Akemi Sakurai, who
has lived in Japan for 16
years, talks about her
experience in the
dissemination of Spiritism
in Japanese lands and her
work with the Spiritual
Study Group Dr. Richard
Dwannees Stan, founded in
this country in July of last
year. The interview is one
of the features of this
Another highlight of the
week is the special article
by Marcus De Mario, from Rio
de Janeiro-RJ, on the topic
“Death”. In his article, the
author shows us the vision
of the Spiritism and of many
other religions on this
Pedro Siqueira,
39, lawyer and law professor
from Rio de Janeiro-RJ, is
considered a phenomenon
within the Catholic Church
for his psychic gifts and
ease of transmitting
messages from the spirits,
as Ana Moraes shows in a
special report which is also
one of the features of this
Since last Sunday the
Virtual Library on our
website contains the
complete collection of works
by Chico Xavier, sorted by
year of publication, by
spiritual author and in
alphabetical order. Besides
the cover, the reader is
offered a synopsis and the
preface of each work, as
well as the practical means
of proceeding with the
respective download.
This work, which took
several weeks of intense
research effort and is
something hitherto unheard
within the Spiritist
community, will improve the
dissemination around the
world of this treasure that
we owe to the late medium
and the selfless spiritual