Among those called to Spiritism many have
gone astray
Some brothers criticize the concern of many Spiritist Centers to offer, people who seek the comfort and spiritual support expressed in the service of the pass, the magnetized water, in the radiation, the indoctrination sessions and meetings of the spirits of our fluid-oriented brothers sick of the body.
Nobody who knows the spiritual doctrine will disagree that the Spiritist Centers must have education as a fundamental objective of those who go there and the development of their critical thinking, but it does not prevent this aim, along with the studies and guidance, also meets the Spiritual Center of their characteristics of Temple, Home, Hospital, School and Workshop, which we met in the most respectable spirit institutions.
We know that a person who is hungry does not meet, in most cases, able to hear a lecture. Let us then feed her and then, satisfied their hunger, she will be better prepared for the lesson it will be given to her.
So it is like that with people who come in desperation to a Spiritist Center, whatever their motives. Whatever if despair is linked to problems of spiritual or material difficulties, there is no matter: it is necessary first to welcome them, support them and that's why there are resources spiritists, some of which are widely used by Jesus, which should be always an example for us a spirit to follow.
These are the reasons why a Spiritist Center is well oriented services of the pass and magnetized water, radiation sessions and meetings focused on clarification of indoctrination or spirits.
Its purpose is not, as some think, proselytizing in nature, but a means to make less harsh the way our brothers, who, in many cases fail in the face of the toughest tests.
In the chapter XX of The Gospel According to Spiritism by Kardec, included a message, where Erastus made an ominous warning: "(...) attention! Among those called to Spiritism many have gone astray, so repair then your path and follow the truth. "
The Spirit Encoder asked him, "If, among those called to Spiritism, many have gone astray, which are the signs to recognize those who are on track?"
Erastus answered: "Recognize them unto the principles of true charity that they will practice and teach. Recognize them by the number of the leading afflicted consolation; recognize them for their love of neighbor, for their selflessness; recognize them, finally, for the triumph of their principles, because God wants the triumph of His law, and those who follow His law, these are the chosen ones and He will give them the victory, but He will destroy those who distort the spirit of this law and make it a stepping stone to settle his vanity and his ambition. "
The warning above appears to be enough for the spirits and the Spiritist Centers do not ignore, in their activities, the comfort function of the Spiritism, and so on, to respect and practice it.