Social Justice, Plato, and
The Spirits' Book
This week’s editorial,
Kardec and ambiguity
about the term spiritist
focuses on the confusion
that still prevails about
the use of the word
spirit, a topic also
treated by Allan Kardec in
the book Posthumous Works.
Among the features of this
edition, we call the
reader's attention to the
interview given to our
Antônio Augusto Nascimento
by the colleagues
Marly Salete and Flávio
Alberto Webber, from
the Spiritist Society
Teresinha de Jesus, in Lagoa
Vermelha-RS. In the
interview, they talk, among
other things, about the
Spiritist Week of Lagoa
Vermelha, which has been
held with excellent results
since 2005.
Another feature of this
edition is special article
Social Justice, Plato,
and The Spirits' Book,
by our collaborator José
Carlos Monteiro de Moura,
from Belo Horizonte-MG.
Last August 26th in
Salvador-BA, the Natural
Birthing Center Marieta de
Souza Pereira was opened, a
project conceived by Divaldo
Franco and Nilson de Souza
Pereira, as shown in the
special report in this
edition and one of its
The first fortnight of
September records the first
occurrence of the
International Spiritist
Congress, held from 8 to 13
September 1888 in Barcelona,
Spain, which was the last
one before the Spanish Civil
War of 1934. In the years
that followed, due to the
deprivation of liberty by
despotic regimes, the
spiritist movement was
banned and persecuted in
The results of the 1888
Congress can be seen in the
following blog: