The dissemination of
Spiritism on the southern
of Brazil
This week’s editorial,
The teaching of religion in
schools in Rio de Janeiro
comments on the proposed
bill authorizing the City of
Rio de Janeiro to hire up to
600 teachers to give
religious instruction in
municipal schools.
Active in the military and
associated with the Joanna
Angelis Spiritist House in
Alegrete-RS, João Elias
Blanco Lançanova talks about
his experience with his
involvement in the
dissemination of Spiritism
on the southern border of
Brazil, from Alegrete, a
town located about 506
kilometers from Porto Alegre.
The interview, given to our
collaborator Antonio
Nascimento, is one of the
features of this edition.
Another feature of this
issue is the conclusion of
the special article
Considerations on suicide,
written by Christina Nunes,
from Rio de Janeiro-RJ.
The first part of the
article was published in
last week's issue of this
Claudia Werdine talks about
the 10th National
Spiritist Meeting held on
October 9th and
promoted by the Dutch
Spiritist Council, whose
central theme was presented
by the colleague Humberto
Werdine. The report is also
one of the features of the
This week marks another
anniversary of the
disembodiment of Cesare
Lombroso, doctor, surgeon
and Italian scientist, who
wrote one of the classics of
Spiritism - Hypnotism and
The disembodiment of
Lombroso took place on
October 19, 1909 in the city
of Turin, Italy.