South American Spiritist
Congress brings together
almost 500 participants
This week’s editorial, To
educate is not necessary to
speak loudly, comments
on a charming experience on
the education of drivers and
pedestrians, by a friendly
transit inspector from the
city of Vila Velha, Espírito
Among the highlights of this
edition, we call the
reader's attention to the
interview that Mário de
Araújo gave to our
contributor Orson Peter
Carrara. In the interview,
the colleague from São Paulo
talks about the objectives
of the “A New Hope Home”,
under construction in the
city of Limeira-SP, which
will help out mothers with
children who were abandoned
by their companions.
Another highlight of the
issue is the special article
"Echoes from the 1st
South American Spiritist
Congress", event held last
month in Punta del Este,
Uruguay, with almost 500
participants in a joint
promotion between the
Coordination of the
International Spiritist
Council for South America
and the Uruguay Spiritist
Also in this issue, read
about the presence of the
Project Manoel Philomeno de
Miranda in the cities of
Criciúma-SC and Torres-RS.
This story by Paul Salerno
is also a highlight of this
Spiritists from around the
world already know that our
esteemed colleague Raul
Teixeira was admitted to a
U.S. hospital, after being
stricken with a stroke
earlier this week.
To avoid conflicting news,
information about the health
of our brother is being
concentrated on the site,
maintained by the Fraternal
Spiritist Society, to which
Raul Teixeira belongs. We
will be updating our readers
with news about the state of
our friend, using a new
section - News
flash -
that now becomes part of
this journal.