We must value the work of
the Spiritist House
Who says that is the
colleague Leonardo Marmo
Moreira, author of the
special entitled “20
lessons about the Spiritist
Center”, one of the
highlights of this edition,
where he states that it is
important to recognize in
the spiritist center a
nucleus where the true
Spiritual Communion can
occur through the numerous
activities of the Spiritist
This week’s editorial, “The
morning after pill before
the laws that govern life”,
comments on the abortionist
effects of the morning after
pill and the responsibility
of people who use it.
In an interview with this
magazine, Sidirlei Vagnei
Ferreira, from Bauru-SP,
singer and songwriter from
São Paulo, talks about his
love for music and its
importance on spiritist
activities. A member of the
Spiritist Center Love and
Charity, in the same city,
he coordinates two
mediumship meetings and has
used his musical sensibility
to spread the thoughts of
The interview is one of the
highlights of this edition.
Another highlight of the
week is the story by
Angélica Reis on the 17th
CONMEL, an event during
Carnival that brings
together spiritist youths of
the region. With the theme:
"Commit yourself to God,"
the event will be held from
February 18-21 in Londrina-PR.
In this issue we start the
methodical and sequential
study of Plots of Destiny,
work published in 1975,
authored by Manoel Philomeno
de Miranda, and
psychographed the medium
Divaldo Franco.