A chat with Mirta Edit Cal
Ataides from Uruguay
This week’s editorial, As
claimed by our detractors,
comments on the
demonstrations of support
received by the publication
of last week's editorial,
entitled Life After Life,
which was also given an
extensive challenge by one
of its readers.
In an interview with our
colleague Orson Peter
Carrara, Mirta Edit Cal
Ataides, president of the
Spiritist Federation of
Uruguay, talks about the
spiritist movement in her
country and also talks about
the influence of Brazil and
the beneficial consequences
of the aid that the
International Spiritist
Council (ISC) has been
providing the spiritist
institutions in Uruguay.
The interview is one of the
highlights of this edition.
Another highlight this week
is the special article "2012:
The Year of the Dragon",
written by our collaborator
Angélica dos Santos Simone,
from São Paulo-SP. In her
article, the author states
that, powered by the spark
of the fire element which
destroys the old and opens
up fields to new sprouts,
the Dragon appears bringing
with it the flames of
At the Uni Santa, the AME-Santos
begins on March 10th,
one more refresher course
for Basis of the
Integration, as shown in
the article included in this
edition and one of its
With this issue, we complete
the study of The Spirits'
Book, by Allan Kardec,
presented by this journal in
42 modules. It will be
followed by the sequential
and methodical study of
The Mediums' Book, a
work that integrates the so
called Kardecian