A chat with Valdereis Lopes
Teixeira de Godoy
This week’s editorial, An
example of what we should
not do, talks about an
incident that occurred last
January in the city of
Maringá-PR when eleven high
school students were
arrested for attempted fraud
during the admission exams
for the Medical Center at
the University of Maringá.
Valdereis Lopes Teixeira de
Godoy, from Ibitinga-SP, is
our interview of the week.
Retired teacher, member of
the Francis of Assisi Love
and Charity Spiritist Center
and various other
institutions in the city,
she talks about the
spiritist movement in
Ibitinga, known as the
National Capital of
Embroidery. The interview is
one of the highlights of
this edition.
Another highlight is the
special article entitled
Vices: Instruments of
Darkness, written by our
colleague Gebaldo José de
Sousa, which emphasises the
educational and moralizing
effect which the Spiritist
Doctrine can have on
families, especially on the
youth, with a view to
overcoming vices overall.
On March 25-27, Divaldo
Franco was present in
doctrinal activities in
three cities in Santa
Catarina, as shown in the
report by Paul Salerno,
which is also one of the
highlights of this edition.
The new board is being sworn
in today at the
Comunhão Espírita Cristã of
which this month celebrates
25 years of existence. The
ceremony will take place at
the institution's
headquarters on Rua Tadao
Ohira, 555 - Jardim Perobal.
José Cesário da Silva
is the new president of the