The Spiritist thematic is
back to Globo TV’s soap
This week’s editorial, "The
soap opera Love, Eternal
Love takes up the spiritist
thematic," recommends
that the reader be sure to
watch the soap opera
Love, Eternal Love,
6:00PM atraction on the
Globo Television Network,
whose debut occurred on
March 5th.
Andréa Pirotti da Fontoura,
a native of Porto Alegre-RS,
and living in the city of
Uruguaiana-RS, a member of
the Social Media Department
and the secretariat of the
7th Regional Spiritist
Coordination of Rio Grande
do Sul, talks about the
spiritist movement in her
city and its integration
with other spiritist members
from Argentina and Uruguay.
The interview is one of the
highlights of this edition.
Another highlight of this
edition is the special
article "Christian Conduct",
written by our collaborator
Alessandro Viana Vieira de
Paula. The article was
divided into two parts. The
conclusion will appear in
next week's edition.
Last month, the Fraternity
Spiritist Society of London,
England celebrated its 20th
years of existence, when it
promoted several doctrinal
activities, as shown in the
article by Angela Masuko in
this edition and also one of
its highlights.
On this date - April 15 -
Allan Kardec released in
Paris the first edition of
The Gospel According to
Spiritism, originally
published with different
title. This occurred in
1864, seven years after the
release of The Spirit’s
The book which we celebrate
today is certainly the best
known work of Kardec, and
can now be not only read,
but also heard by simply
clicking on this link: