Memoirs of Father Herman
is one of the topics in
this issue
This week’s editorial,
The rescue of one of the
classics of Spiritism,
highlights the importance of
studying the classics of
spiritist literature for the
intellectual growth of
those who are interested in
knowing Spiritism.
One of the highlights of
this edition is an interview
that our colleagu Francisco
de Oliveira Coelho, from
Matão-SP, granted to our
collaborator Orson Peter
Carrara. In the interview,
the colleague tells the
experience that he’s had
with the dissemination,
through lectures, of the
book Memoirs of Father
Herman, one of the classics
of spiritist world
literature, written by
Amália Domingo Soler.
Another highlight of this
edition is the special
article titled "Space, Time
and Spirit", authored by our
colleague João Fernandes da
Silva Júnior, which will be
published here in two part.
The second and final part
will be published in this
magazine next week.
Ended last week the series
of conferences that the
esteemed colleague Divaldo
Franco offered since early
May in several European
countries, as shown in the
final report written by our
collaborator Paulo Salerno,
which is also one of the
highlights in this issue .
On this date - June 24th
- passed away in 1943 at 81
years of age, Ernesto
Bozzano, a native of Genoa,
Italy. Considered one of the
most important investigators
of animistic and spiritist
phenomena, Bozzano was the
author of important works,
such as Animism or
Spiritism , The
Crisis of Death,
Thought and Will and
Xenoglossy, among