20 years of Week Spirit
in Londrina
It was in July 1992 for the first time the Spiritist Week of Londrina. Inspired by the Spiritist Weeks of the mining town of Astolfo Dutra, the londrenense event consisted of, twenty years ago, a paranaense new unknown spirit movement, which, however, it has consolidated, whether or not to count on its schedule, with renowned internationally speakers.
This fact is easily explained.
The Spiritist Week is an event that stands out by itself, thanks to its format, which allows it to accomplish the purpose for which it is held, which is to promote the fellowship of the spirit family and disseminate in a healthy way the teachings that were brought in by Spiritism.
The city Three Rivers in Rio de Janeiro was the pioneer in this type of activity.
There, under the inspiration of confreres as Assis Faria, the Cerqueira and others, it is how has emerged Spiritists Weeks. Then was the year 1939. Different from the current model, the Spiritists Weeks of that time were much more fraternal. The activities were usually preceded by the hymn "Christian Joy" and, besides music, the spiritist theater had a guaranteed space.
The late confrere Antenor de Souza, in an interview published in issue no. 11 of this magazine, revealed as an eyewitness of the incident, as there were the early days of spirit week. (The link that refers to the interview is this –http://www.oconsolador.com.br/11/entrevista.html.)
In the case of Londrina, twenty years later, we can say without fear of error, that the Spiritist Week is here to stay and can fulfill the purposes for which it has been designed.
This year began on July 14th and completed 21st, the Spiritist Week in Londrina n. 21 offered to the public the opportunity to attend landmarks doctrinal exhibitions which undoubtedly will contribute to the spiritual enhancement of those who were in the "Our Home" as well as thousands of spiritists or supporters of spiritism that could thanks to the Web Radio Fraternity, monitor through internet transmitted lectures and seminars.
The Spiritist Week in Londrina, faithful, however, the origins of this movement, did not confine to doctrinal expositions aimed at adults, because, as it has been occurring for several years, it also have presented figures in theater and singing, not forgetting the infant public, which is the target of the so called Spiritist Little Week, as the reader can check the view of the special report that illustrates this issue.