The famous actress Ana Rosa
speaks to our magazine
This week’s editorial, "Not
all serious communication is
real," explains why we
should submit mediumistic
communications to a
scrupulous examination.
One of the highlights of
this edition is the
interview that the popular
actress Ana Rosa, of the
Globo Television Network,
granted to our collaborator
Guaraci de Lima Silveira.
Originally from Promissão-SP
and currently living in the
city of Rio de Janeiro, Ana
Rosa speaks in the interview
about her initiation to
spiritism and the importance
of art in spreading the
spiritist message.
Another highlight of this
issue is the conclusion of
the special article "Universal
Life," by Christina
Nunes, of Rio de Janeiro-RJ.
The article - which focuses
on one of the fundamental
principles of Spiritism -
was divided into two parts.
The first was published in
the previous edition.
The Spiritist Council of the
Estate of Rio did not adhere
to the religious study
adopted by the 80 schools in
the city of Rio because it
did not agree that students
should receive guidance of a
confessional nature, as
shown in the special report
that integrates the present
edition and is one of its
Tomorrow - September 17th
- marks an important date
for the Brazilian spiritist
movement: the foundation, in
the year 1865, in Salvador,
Bahia, of the Family Group
of Spiritism, which is
considered to be the first
spiritist society to emerge
in Brazil. Luís Olímpio
Teles de Menezes, who
founded the group, would
also launch, four years
later, the first spiritist
newspaper in Brazil - The
Echo Beyond the Tomb.