Izilda, from the Greater
World Staff Network, speaks
our magazine
This week’s editorial, "Suicide:
foolish and useless option",
comments on data released
earlier this month by the
World Health Organization
about the high number of
suicides that occur
worldwide each year.
Our interviewee this week is
Maria Izilda da Silva Netto,
from São Paulo-SP,
coordinator for the program
Rethink, in the Greater
World Television Network. In
the interview, which is one
of the highlights of this
edition, Izilda, as she is
better known, talks about
the purposes and effects of
the said program which can
be seen on TV and also via
the Internet.
Another highlight of this
issue is the special article
titled "Guilt, regret and
redemption from the
spiritist perspective",
authored by Claudia
Gelernter, from Vinhedo-SP.
The article was divided into
two parts, and its
conclusion will be published
in our next issue.
The VII Spiritist Week of
Foz do Iguaçu was held this
year, an event that
continues with the
celebrations of 90 years of
Spiritism in Foz. In a
special article reporting
the event, the colleague
Enrique Eliseo Baldovino
recalls the Spiritist Week
and describes the essence of
the lecturesthat were
Yesterday, September 22nd,
we celebrated one more
anniversary of the birth of
Cairbar de Souza Schutel,
who was born in Rio de
Janeiro-RJ in 1868. Besides
leaving us 17 important
spiritist books, Cairbar
founded the Spiritist Group
Lovers of Poverty (currently
called Spiritist Center The
Bugle), the spiritist
newspaper "The Bugle" and
the International Journal of
Spiritism, a monthly
publication dedicated to the
study of psychic and
spiritist phenomena.