Suicide: silly and useless option
In early September, a report published in Geneva, the World Health Organization released an alarming fact: one million of people commit suicide annually, more than the total number of victims caused by wars and homicides.
The report was presented on 10th September during the tenth edition of the World Day for Prevention of Suicide.
According to figures released, suicide rates is highest in the countries of eastern Europe, such as Lithuania or Russia, and the lowest are located in Central and South America, in countries such as Peru, Mexico, Brazil or Colombia. United States, Europe and Asia are in the middle of the scale and there are no statistics for the countries in Africa and Southeast Asia.
If the number of suicides is high, what we will say about the number of attempts, about 20 million per year! Five percent of people in the world, according to the World Health Organization, make a suicide attempt at least once in his/her life. And - which is more frightening - suicide is worldwide, the second leading cause of death among adolescents aged 15 to 19 years old.
The suicide issue has been examined frequently in the works and periodicals spiritists.
Chapter 3 of the book Astronautas do Além, a partnership between Chico Xavier and Herculano Pires, had its origin in a letter from a person who asked Cornelius Pires (Spirit) clarification about suicide.
At the meeting at which the letter was delivered to Chico Xavier, so it was made the opening prayer, then the study of the issue 943 of The Spirits' Book, "Where does the disgust for life that, without reasonable cause, seizes some individuals? ".
The immortal reply: "Effect of idleness, lack of faith and generally of boredom. For those who exercise their powers with a useful purpose and according to their natural abilities, work has nothing in arid and life passes quickly. Support their vicissitudes with much more patience and resignation, more they act in view of happiness more solid and durable awaits them."
At the end of the meeting, Cornelius Pires, drawing upon the faculty of Chico Xavier, said to the friend, to whom he dedicated the poem titled Suicide, formed by eight blocks, in which he says that we should not even think of suicide as a joke, since such act results in a lifetime of pain.
Further, Cornelius recounts in a synthetically way the drama of six suicide and the consequences of their actions. Quim was drowned in a well and reborn mired in emphysema. Dilermanda killed herself with a shot and now does not talk, does not see, does not walk. Madam Cesária da Estiva set fire to her clothes and returned in a body that's open wound. Maricota da Trindade committed suicide by drinking ant poison and returned, dying of cancer at the age of four months. Columbano hanged himself and now he is paraplegic. Dona Lília Dagele burned herself with gasoline and now suffers scab on the skin that resembles fire.
Closing the poem, Cornelius spelled this wonderful advice:
"Tolerate patiently
Any problems or grief;
No use dying
Advance is improving."
In a message on the subject, Emmanuel says people who show suicidal tendencies should take some precautions necessary to vigilance, because otherwise, the fall in the abyss will become almost inevitable. You need - Emmanuel says - that, first, the person thinks of God and the goodness of the Father who gave us life, family, friends and growth opportunities. Secondly, he meditates about failing, if he suddenly goes away from this life, will do to the loved ones - wife, children, siblings, parents and friends. Thirdly, to pray and ask for strength to God and spiritual protectors, and finally, dedicate to practice the good, helping those who most need than we do, face situations that we might not bear.
Each existence in the world we live in is made up of challenges, because these are essential to our progress. Run away from them, desert life, abandon the course of a life via suicide only expands, ever alleviates the bitterness of life.
"The material life - says Herculano Pires - is an exercise for the development of the powers of the Spirit. Whoever abandons the exercise of their own will is waiving its development and suffers the natural consequences of this negative option." "New opportunity will be granted, but since then the weight of the previous failure." (Astronautas do Além, chapter 3.)