We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.
The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below.
A. What should be the position of the medium at the criticism?
B. What advice indicates Kardec in cases of antagonism between the Spiritist groups?
C. You can evoke the spirit of a dead child at a young age?
D. How thought is transported to the spirits?
Text for reading
304. Sometimes, you can modify the ideas of a person in the waking state, by acting in his Spirit during sleep. Unfortunately, it often happens that, upon awakening, the corporeal nature predominates and makes him forget the good resolutions taken there. (Item 284, question 47)
305. Cannot evoke a spirit whose body still ache in the womb, because at that time the Spirit is in complete disorder. (Item 284, question 51)
306. A mystifying Spirit can take the place of a living person who is touched, and it happens often, especially when it is not the intent of pure evocative. It happens that the evocation of people living alone has an interest as a psychological study, being convenient refrain whenever it cannot be a result instructive. (Item 284, question 52)
307. The evocation of a living person is not always without danger, depending on the conditions in which they find the person, because if you are sick, you can increase the suffering. (Item 284, question 53)
308. When we experience the most inopportune times irresistible desire to sleep may be that we are being mentioned somewhere, yet more often than not, it's not only a physical effect, either because the body needs to rest, because the Spirit is need freedom. (Item 284, question 57)
309. Evoking one another, two people can transmit their thoughts to each other and match up. This telegraphy human will one day a universal means of correspondence, but for that you need to debug that men, in order that their spirits to peel off the field with ease. Until then, continue circumscribed souls of elite and dematerialized, which is rarely found in this world. (Item 285)
310. Two things must be considered in questions to the spirits: the shape and background. As far as regards the form, the questions should be formulated clearly and precisely, avoiding the complex issues. The bottom line demands attention even more serious, as is often the main question that provokes an exact answer or false. There are questions that spirits cannot or should not respond. It will therefore be useless to insist. (Item 286)
311. Spirits always respond with pleasure serious questions that aim well and progress through the media, but do not meet futile. (Item 288, question 1)
312. There is the question that deters frivolous spirits, is the character who makes. (Item 288, question 2)
Answers to questions
A. What should be the position of the medium at the criticism?
One of the major stumbling of mediumship is, as we know, the obsession and fascination. Mediums can be deceiving so in good faith on the merits of the communications they get, and lying spirits have wide latitude when dealing only with blind. So, looking away all control of the medium, making him take aversion who could enlighten him. Then, with the help of fascination and isolation, he will be able to accept whatever they want.
This fact is not only a stumbling block, but a danger, indeed, a real danger. The only way to avoid it is to control people disinterested and benevolent, judging communications with cold blood and impartiality, can open his eyes and make him realize what he can not see for yourself. Now every medium who fears this trial is already on the path of obsession and he who believes that light is made just for him is completely under the yoke if he offends with criticism if repels if she gets annoyed with, there can be no doubt about the nature of evil Spirit who attends. That's why, in the absence of their own lights, the medium must resort to other modestly, according to these two well known sayings: "Four eyes see better than two" and "never is a good judge in his own cause."
The medium must accept well-oriented with recognition and even ask the critical examination of communications it receives because there is the best guarantee against involvement with deceiving spirits and danger of fascination. (The Book of Mediums, item 329.)
B. What advice indicates Kardec in cases of antagonism between the Spiritist groups?
The jealousy between the different Spiritist groups is a demonstration of petty rivalry, self-love. The supporters imbued with a genuine desire to spread the truth, whose purpose is only moral, must see with pleasure the meetings multiply and, if there is competition among them, it should be to do the most good. Those wishing to be in possession of the truth, to the exclusion of other groups, they should prove it by taking the motto "Love and Charity" because this is the flag of every true spiritualist. There are groups that tout the superiority of the spirits that watch? That prove the superiority of the teaching they receive and the application of them make themselves; behold an infallible criterion for distinguishing those in the best way. All groups and meetings Spiritualists should therefore contribute to the common goal, which is the search for truth and spread, albeit by different means; their antagonisms, supplying weapons to opponents, will merely hurt the cause they claim to defend . (Ibid., items 348 and 349.)
C. You can evoke the spirit of a dead child at a young age?
Yes, but one must understand that the Spirit, if so, still finds himself wrapped in bands of matter and preserved in its language, character traits child. Once detached from matter, he enjoys his faculties of Spirit, because the Spirit are not old. (Ibid., item 282, question 35.)
D. How thought is transported to the spirits?
The vehicle of thought is the universal fluid, which is spread throughout the universe. Spirits can read our thoughts, and in a way, they also hear how on earth our voice heard. (Ibid., item 282, Question 5.)