A chat with Cezar Augusto
Sad, from Marília-SP
This week’s editorial, “God
knows how to wait, do not
rush the atonement”,
focuses on the nature of
atonement and its true
meaning in the world in
which we live in.
One of the highlights of
this edition is the
interview given by our
colleague Cezar Augusto Sad,
from Marília-SP to our
contributor Orson Peter
Carrara. Current president
of Light and Truth Spiritist
Center, in Marília-SP, in
the interview Cezar Sad
tells us about the
institution he presides,
which has been conducting
intense activity in human
promotion and spiritist
Another highlight of the
week is the conclusion of
the special article titled “Loving
yourself - Those who don’t
love themselves don’t love
their neighbor?”, in
which its author, Marcos
Roberto Martinez, from Santo
André, SP, says this known
thought has been mistakenly
interpreted in our midst.
The first part of special
was published in our
previous edition.
On the 17th of
this month, the USE - Union
of Spiritist Societies of
São Paulo promoted in its
auditorium a workshop about
the results gathered by the
last census conducted in the
country, as shown in the
story by Martha Rios
Guimarães which is also one
of the highlights of this
Last Friday, November 23rd,
commemorated another
anniversary of the birth of
Amélie Gabrielle Boudet, who
later became the wife of
Allan Kardec, the codifier
of Spiritism. Amélie was
born in 1795 in the town of
Thiais, France.