To the brothers of Santa
Maria, our embrace
On Sunday, Jan. 27, the
country witnessed astonished
the news about the fire that
broke in the early hours of
that day in the city of
Santa Maria (RS). Faced with
such occurrences and the
commotion that always
follows, we can only pray
and send our vibrations to
the departed brothers and
their families and friends
who are still here, as well
as to the dozens of people
who still face, in a
hospital bed, the
consequences of this
unfortunate event.
At the moment, besides our
prayers, there is nothing to
say except to express our
faith in God and divine
mercy, trying to understand
why, in this troubled world,
tragedies like the one that
has befallen our brothers in
Santa Maria still occur.
This week’s editorial, “Religion
and mental disorders,”
highlights the effects that
occur in the lives of people
who understand the spiritist
philosophy and see in it
something other than just
more or less curious
Among the highlights of this
issue, we draw attention to
the interview given to our
collaborator Katia Fabiana
Fernandes by the colleague
Stevan Bertozzo. Based in
Dublin, Ireland, Stevan is
the current leader of the
Spiritist Society of
Ireland. In the interview,
he talks a bit about the
history of Spiritism in
Ireland and how the doctrine
of the Spirits has touched
Irish atheists and those
from other nationalities.
Another highlight this week
is the special article by
Rogério Coelho, entitled
“The elderly and the family
relationship. How to care,
respect and love our
elders?” Early in the
article the colleague
states: "Changing society is
not easy, but changing the
way we treat the people
around us is something that
is entirely within our
Michele Ribeiro de Melo
talks about the 47th
Meeting of the
Evangelization of the
Spirits held on January
18-20 in the city of
Sacramento (MG). The article
is one of the highlights of
this edition.
We celebrate on this date -
February 3rd -
the 60 years of the launch
of the Fraternity
Campaign Auta de Souza
in São Paulo, a fact that
occurred in 1953 owed to the
colleague José Gonçalves
Pereira, director of the
Department of Social Welfare
for the FEESP.