chat with Valentim
This week’s editorial, "The
importance of the Gospel on
the issue of vigilance,"
examines the damages
resulting from the lack of
vigilance and tells how the
Evangelical Worship at Home
can help with respect to
this issue.
Our interviewee this week is
the colleague Valentim
Aparecido Fernandes, of the
publishing house The Bugle,
from Matão-SP, where he has
provided important services
for the past 30 years.
Active spiritist active
since 1989, the colleague
also gives lectures and
collects a respected
experience in the
unification of the spiritist
movement, as revealed in the
interview with our
collaborator Orson Peter
Carrara, which is one of the
highlights of this edition.
Another highlight of the
week is the conclusion of
the special article written
by the colleague Paulo da
Silva Neto Sobrinho, titled
"After all, does God
forgive?” The first part
of this article was
published in last week's
issue of our magazine.
The web radio Fraternity
that officially launched on
February 1st,
2009 in Uberlandia-MG,
celebrated on the 2nd
of this month, four years of
uninterrupted activity, as
shown in the report
published in this issue,
which is also one of the
highlights of the week.
In 1827, on a date like
today - February 17th,
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi,
well known Swiss pedagogue
and educator, of whom Allan
Kardec was a student and
disciple, passed away at the
age of 81.