The president of the
Brazilian Spiritist
Federation talks with our
This week’s editorial, “What
is essential in the
treatment of obsession”
reminds us of the books
where Allan Kardec addressed
the issue of obsessions and
provided specific
recommendations for its
One of the highlights of
this edition is the
interview that the president
of the Brazilian Spiritist
Federation, Antonio Cesar
Perri de Carvalho, granted
to our collaborator Jorge
Hessen. In the interview,
Cesar Perri talks about the
challenge of chairing the
Casa-Mater and explains his
plans as the head of the
FEB. The interview was
divided into two parts; the
conclusion will be published
in the next edition.
Another highlight of this
issue is the special article
titled Isabella, the
princess who loved Brazil,
authored by our collaborator
Altamirando Carneiro, from
São Paulo-SP. In the
article, the author recalls
that even before signing the
Golden Law, Princess Isabel
was an active defender of
Divaldo Franco, back in Rio
Grande do Sul, spoke in
several cities of that
state, including the capital
Porto Alegre, as shown in
the report by Paul Salerno,
also one of the highlights
of this edition.
On Tuesday, May 7th,
we celebrated another
birthday of Pedro de Camargo,
born in Piracicaba-SP in
1878. Writer, journalist and
spiritist educator, he
published numerous works on
education signing them with
the pseudonym Vinicius.