The theme of sexuality is
the highlight of this
This week’s editorial “Spirits
and Sexuality" explains
why, although spirits do not
have sex, there are spirits
in the spiritual life that
present themselves as men
and others who present
themselves as women.
Sexuality is also the
central point of the
interview granted to us by
our collaborator Marcus
Braga, pedagogue, Master of
Education and columnist in
various Spiritist media
channels, and active worker
in the area of
evangelization in the Youth
of the Spiritist Group
Atualpa Barbosa Lima in
Brasília-DF. According to
Marcus, the issue of gender
and its implications should
be the object of reflection,
study and dialogue among
Spiritists. The interview is
one of the highlights of
this edition.
Another highlight is the
special "The Doctrinal
Purity and Science",
authored by our collaborator
Alexandre Fontes da Fonseca,
from Bauru-SP. For
Alexander, the term
"doctrinal purity" is still
poorly understood within
Spiritist because some
believe that doctrinal
purity constrains Spiritism,
preventing the development
of its progressive nature,
when it is the opposite that
The 62nd
Spiritist Week of Astolfo
Dutra MG starts on July 13th,
being one of the most
traditional events that take
place in our country. It
will consist of eight
evening lectures, three
seminars in the afternoon
and six doctrinal morning
meetings, as shown in a
special article which is
also one of the highlights
of this edition.
On a day like today, July 7th,
Arthur Conan Doyle,
physician, writer, and
creator of the famous
detective Sherlock Holmes,
discarnated. His death
occurred in 1930. Born in
Edinburgh, Scotland, Conan
Doyle, after already being
famous, became an adept of
Spiritism, about which he
left us with two classics: "The
New Revelation" (1918)
and "The History of
Spiritualism" (1926)