A chat with Maria Solha
Teixeira, from Bragança
This week’s editorial, "The
improvement of the soul
takes time" reminds us
that the evolution of the
soul is work that requires
great effort from each
person over many centuries.
One of the highlights of
this edition is the
interview given by the
colleague Maria Solha
Teixeira, 92 years old and
in full activity in the city
of Bragança Paulista-SP.
Born in the mining town of
Guaxupé, Dona Cida, as she
is also known, works for the
spirit cause since 1945,
when she was 24 years old.
Another highlight of this
edition is the special
article titled "Lots for
sale in Kepler-62F",
written by our collaborator
Marcelo Henrique, from
Florianópolis-SC. According
to the author, the title
could soon become reality,
and he explains why in this
Guaraci de Lima Silveira
focuses, in a special
article which is also one of
the highlights of this
issue, on the Spiritist
Foundation John Freitas, in
Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais,
which in 2014 will complete
eighty years of
uninterrupted activities
assisting the most needy.
Another virtual work by the
EVOC - Virtual Publisher O
Consolador, was launched
last Wednesday, July 31st.
The book is titled
“Mediunidade, um ensaio
by the doctor, writer and
professor Nubor Orlando
Facure, from Campinas-SP.
The books published by the
EVOC can be downloaded for
free. Here's the link: