A chat with the educator
Nadja do Couto Valle
This week’s editorial, "Reflections
on the civil war in Syria"
makes considerations about
the conflicts that have
produced thousands of
casualties and untold number
missing or detained persons
in Syria.
Nadja do Couto Valle,
teacher and educator, living
in Rio de Janeiro-RJ, is our
interviewee this week. In an
interview granted to our
collaborator Orson Peter
Carrara, she talks about her
experience in the area of
dissemination of Spiritism
through lectures and books
and for her work at the
Institute of Spiritist
Culture of Brazil and the
Radio Rio de Janeiro. The
interview is one of the
highlights of this edition.
Another highlight of this
issue is the special artlice
titled "Unheard case of
dematerialization ",
written by our colleague
Davilson Silva , from São
Caetano do Sul-SP. In the
article, the author deals
with a case of
dematerialization and
rematerialization of an
object through a device from
the Beyond, a fact witnessed
by a group of people.
On October 6th
and 7th Divaldo
Franco was on doctrinal
activity in Buenos Aires,
capital of Argentina, at the
invitation of the
Confederación Argentina
Espiritista , as shown in
the report by Paulo Salerno,
which is also one of the
highlights of this edition.
EVOC - Publisher The Virtual
Counselor launched on
Tuesday, October 22nd,
the online edition of
X-Ray of the Spiritist
Book , written by the
colleague Euripides Kühl.
This is the 7th
book published by digital
EVOC, whose editions can be
downloaded for free, by
simply accessing the
Internet. Here's the link: