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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 7 - N° 344 – January 5, 2014
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


What expect from the
year to come

When starting a new year is usually, in general, carry out a stock of the year has just ended, following the establishment of plans for the step that will start.

Then there is something that, according to several spirits authors are also observed in the period after the disembodiment of a person.

The usual answer to the question - What did I do with the time and resources that I have been granted? - Proves to be crucial in planning the next steps and it is therefore based on trial and error, we move gradually in the course of what is the goal for which we were created, which is to achieve perfection.

Throughout this process there are those who advance or progress slowly, but there are those who can take good advantage from the opportunities received, reaching in a few years what for many people would require centuries of work and selflessness.

It is incessant, according to Spiritism, the march of progress, so that all of us, sooner or later, we will achieve the goal outlined by the Creator.

In spirit’s midst, every time this subject comes up, it is mentioned the case of Jésus Gonçalves, whose previous lives were targeted by various authors.

From those experiences, three of them were marked by acts that no person would like to be remembered. The Spirit of Jésus Gonçalves was in the past, Alaric the Great (fourth and fifth centuries), Alaric II, 8th chief of the Visigoths (fifth and sixth centuries) and Armand Jean du Plessis Richelieu, the powerful Cardinal Richelieu (sixteenth and seventeenth centuries).

Alaric, The Great, general and the greatest chief of the Visigoths, crushed Rome at the beginning of the fifth century. He was trained in the techniques of war within the Roman Empire, devastated Thrace, Greece and Italy, marking the end of an Era. When disembodied, he confronted himself in the Spiritual World, the horror of his crimes. For his request and harmony of spirit spheres, he returned to earth as Alaric II, and again in command within his own people. However, despite the repentance shown in the Spiritual Plan, he could not extricate himself from his lust for power and glory, and eventually succumbed to the new evidence.

The centuries progressed and behold, Alaric once again reincarnated, this time on French soil, as the powerful Cardinal Richelieu. Invested with great power, Richelieu defended royal absolutism and for 14 years, from 1628 to 1642, on condition of prime minister of France, the most feared man of that time.

Man of action, full military, fervent Catholic and a political of extreme skill, the State's reason was his reason for being; so he did not pity from those who had, in his view, weakened the kingdom of France, being directly responsible for shows of blood that occurred during his administration and that left many people destitute.

Richelieu passed away on December 4, 1642, the victim of a strange disease: tumor from diagnosis unknown.

In the early twentieth century, more precisely in 1902, hey he back to earth scenario, as Jésus Gonçalves, the Poet of Redemptive Wound, would live until 1947, in search of his peace through rough and redeeming evidence in the Hansen's disease - leprosy - fulfill an important role.

According to some sources, this was not the first time he faced this disease. But what is really important to know is he confronted the consequences of his actions and pursued of redemption through suffering, resignation and love, he achieved what our Benefactors always expect from us: moral transformation, structuring a new man, compromised with good and peace.

Between the disembodiment of Richelieu and of Jésus Gonçalves passed 305 years, a period that may seem excessive, but ... what is excessive when compared to the immortal human life?

When the death of Richelieu was disclosed, it was attributed to Pope Urban VIII the following comment: "If there is a God, Cardinal Richelieu will have many bills to pay. If not ... well, his life will have been a victory."

When Jésus left the physical body, Chico Xavier reported the following: "After the message of our beloved mentor, when I was in deep mental concentration, I saw the entrance to light soft glow. A spirit-man appeared to my eyes, but in admirable condition. Beyond the pale glow of aura that surrounded him, brought dim but clear and beautiful light, to involve him right part of the face and head, while one of the legs also appeared dressed in light. Deep sympathy turned my heart to the entity that sought us, so unexpectedly, and I asked, mentally, if I could know who he was. The visitor leaned closer to me and said:

- Chico, I am Jésus Gonçalves! I am keeping my promise... I’ve come to see you!

Tears rose from my heart to his eyes. I realized that unforgettable friend showed more intense light in regions where the disease had more hurt him in the physical body, and I wanted to tell him something of my admiration and my joy. However, I could not articulate a word not even in thought.

But he continued:

- If it is possible Chico, I want to write through you... give my news to the brothers who I’ve left at a distance and thank God for the gifts that I have received...

It took me a while to ask him, still mentally, what he intended to write, wishing on my part to say something because I ignored that he had disembodied and could not hide my joyful amazement.

He hugged me. Then, standing in the middle of the small room, he recited a poem that I heard, but not kept by heart... When he finished it, he seemed more beautiful, brighter... I took a pencil... Jésus Gonçalves leaned over my arm and wrote verses in tears that he recited to me, moments before, out loud..."

As we said above lines, the evolutionary walk there are people who advance slowly, but there are those who can take good advantage of the opportunities received, reaching in a few years what for many people would require centuries of work and selflessness. Let’s put ourselves in this second group, taking advantage of good weather and the resources that we use in the year that begins now. 



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