A chat with musician Luiz
Pedro Silva Paulo
This week’s editorial,
“Things we do not tell
examines the education of
the child and the role of
parents, who, as we know,
are those most interested in
their children becoming
worthy people, with good
character and irreproachable
Luiz Pedro Silva Paulo, from
Rio de Janeiro-RJ, is our
In the interview, prepared
by our colleague Marcus
Braga, the musician talks
about the use of choral
singing and music in general
during Spiritist activities.
Volunteer in the Spiritist
Centre Léon Denis, Pedro
Luiz also serves on the
Spiritist movement of the
West Zone of Rio de Janeiro.
The interview is one of the
highlights of this edition.
Another highlight of this
edition is the special
article titled “The
primordial ‘born again’:
reincarnation”, written
by our colleague Américo
Domingos Nunes Filho, from
Rio de Janeiro-RJ. In his
article, Américo reminds us
that, according to Spiritism,
it is only through
reincarnation that the
spiritual being can grow
Orson Peter Carrara writes
about Home School “Alvorada
Nova”, located in Igarapava-SP,
a project that began in 2008
with 35 children and today,
with 8 classrooms, serves
148 enrolled children, from
the nursery to the 3rd
grade. The story is also one
of the highlights of this
Tomorrow, Feb. 10th,
marks 34 years that Corina
Novelino, born in
Delfinópolis-MG, passed away
in Sacramento-MG. Student of
Eurípedes Barsanulfo, she
became a teacher at the same
school where she studied and
at the Sacramento State
College. She was also a
writer and journalist,
having also done important
work in the Spiritist Center
“Faith and Charity”, located
in the “Allan Kardec" School
in Sacramento.