150 years of Gospel
According to Spiritism
"Nothing happens by chance"
is the title of the
editorial this week, it is
again emphasized that the
facts that surround us, the
trials that beset us,
successes and failures in
life, none of this should be
attributed to chance, to
luck or bad luck.
The colleague Maria Ferreira
Xavier, São Paulo, capital
city, is our interviewee in
this week. President of the
Beneficent Spiritist
Association Dr. Adolfo
Bezerra de Menezes, founded
in 1941, tells us in the
interview, which is one of
the highlights of this
issue, about the work of the
institution dedicated to the
care provided to the elderly
in social vulnerability.
Another highlight is the
special edition titled "The
beam that illuminates the
darkness", Rogério Coelho,
who tells us about the
Gospel, which the writer
defines as the Code of Moral
Principles of the Universe,
adaptable to all homelands,
all communities, all races
and all creatures.
In the period from 1st to
15th April was held in
Londrina the campaign "It is
proven by A + B that gun is
no toy", sponsored by the
Movement for Peace and
Nonviolence - London
Pazeando and Compaz –
Conselho Municipal de
Cultura e Paz - Municipal
Council for Culture of
Peace. A report on the
Movement is one of the
highlights of this edition.
The best known work of Allan
Kardec - The Gospel
According to Spiritism –
has completed this week 150
years since it was on April
15th, 1864 that Kardec
launched it in Paris.
Originally published under
the title Imitation of
the Gospel, the work is
the development of religious
topics The Spirits’ Book
and represents, as we
know a kind of manual for of
Spiritism moral.