Waldehir Bezerra de Almeida
speaks to the magazine
“Why study André Luiz?” is
the theme and the title of
our editorial, which is
mentioned in the book’s
launch Roadmap Study of
the Works of André Luiz
(Roteiro de Estudos das
Obras de André Luiz),
authored by the fellow
Eurípedes Kühl, and it
explains the reasons we
should study the works of
the known author of Nosso
One of the highlights of
this edition is the
interview given by confrere
Waldehir Bezerra de Almeida,
from Guará II, Federal
District, president of the
Spiritist Group "Casa do
Caminho" and author of the
Child, a spirit approach
(Criança, uma abordagem
espírita) and The
dimension of speech and
spiritist lecture (A
dimensão da fala e a
palestra espírita)
published by the publisher O
Clarim. In the interview,
Waldehir talks about his
work and reminds us that the
speech has horizons we have
not reached yet.
"Jesus Christ, myth or
reality?" is the title of
the Special written by our
collaborator André Luiz
Alves Jr., Curitiba (PR). In
the article, the author
examines the question that
some readers make about the
existence of Jesus.
According to some, Christ
would not be a historical
figure, but a mythological
figure created sometime in
the past.
For the tenth consecutive
year the spiritists
Portuguese gathered in
Óbidos, on 26th and 27th
April 2014, to carry on
another edition of the Days
of Spiritist Culture. With
200 seats sold out, the
event could be followed live
on the internet. The report,
which is one of the
highlights of this edition,
is signed by colleague José
We begin with this issue
the methodical study of the
book Genesis, Miracles
and Predictions According to
Spiritism, by Allan
Kardec, which first edition
was published on January
6th, 1868. The work
comprises the called
Kardecian Pentateuch.