Márcio Roberto Silva Corrêa
speaks to the magazine
“Which pain is deeper?” is
the title of the present
issue which is analyzed
through spirit doctrine, the
causes of vicissitudes and
difficulties which occur in
almost everybody’s lives.
One of the highlights of
this issue is the interview
given by the fellow Márcio
Roberto Silva Corrêa,
vice-president of Kardecista
Core Peace Love and
Fraternity, São Carlos (SP),
where he lives. A scholar
man at the Gospel and Jesus,
Márcio speaks about the
importance of the Gospel
into our lives and says how
we should study it in a more
useful manner.
Another spot is the special
entitled “Natural
sleepwalking in séances”, by
the fellow Gebaldo José de
Sousa, Goiânia (GO).
According to the fellow,
séances with sleepwalking is
more productive when leaders
and the other members know a
bit of that faculty.
From 1st to 4th May, our
collaborator Paulo Salerno
kept up with two conferences
and a workshop given by
Divaldo Franco in Salvador
(BA), as it shows his report
published at this present
edition, which is also one
of the highlights of this
In a day as today – May 25th
– Antônio Gonçalves Silva,
the Batuíra, launched in São
Paulo (SP) the journal
Truth and Light (Verdade e
Luz), an initial
printing of 5 thousand
copies. It was 1890. As it
is known the publication
reached in 1897 the mark of
15,000 copies, an
extraordinary number,
especially for the era in
which it was given.