The musician Clayton Cesar
Donato Prado speaks
to the
“Kardec and the good
spiritists” is the title of
this editorial, in which
presents the follow
question, always current: -
How should we conduct well
to fulfill the task, the
mission, the commitment we
have made to this existence?
Clayton Cesar Donato Prado,
Americana (SP), is our week
interviewed. He is a music
teacher and composer, bound
to the Spirit Centre
Flora-Luz, citied where he
lives. Clayton talks about
the importance of music to
the human being and his role
in spreading spirit
teachings in his interview.
The interview is one of the
highlights of this issue.
Another spotlight is the
Special “The Gospel: one
century and a half”, from
our collaborator Cláudio
Bueno da Silva, Osasco (SP),
which hade focus on the work
The Gospel According to
Spiritism, Allan Kardec,
which completed 150 years
old last April.
In Araguari (MG),
established and maintaining
by the spiritist from the
city, it works a unique
institution: the Nosso Lar
Dom Boco High School. As
Orson Peter Carrara says, is
it a school with a spirit
centre, or a spirit centre
inside of a school? The
report is also one of the
highlights of this issue.
The Reading Circle “Anita
Borela de Oliveira” reaches
on this next Sunday, June
8th, 18 years of existence.
It was founded in June 1996,
at the first meeting of the
Circle was studied the book
“2000 years ago…”, from
Emmanuel, this study will be
repeated in the meeting of
this Sunday, scheduled at
Wanda Coutinho Rabello’s
residence, Londrina (PR).