Mauro Maia Lélis, of
Conselheiro Lafaiete, talks
to the magazine
... Do You exist?" is the
title and theme of this
issue’s editorial which
narrates two experiences of
seeking God by ordinary
people like us.
Mauro Maia Lélis, president
of the Spiritist Group Peace
(GEP) of Conselheiro
Lafaiete-MG, is our
interviewee this week. The
interview, which is one of
the highlights of this
edition, was prepared by our
collaborator Guaraci de Lima
Silveira. In it, the
interviewee talks about the
work done by GEP, which is
celebrating 108 years of
Another highlight of the
week is the conclusion of
the special article
"Psychophysical Phenomena of
Spiritual Nature", written
by the physician and
colleague Nubor Orlando
Facure, from Campinas-SP.
The first part of the
article was published in the
previous edition.
Marcel Battaglia in a
article that is also one of
the highlights of this
issue, presents us with the
important work being carried
out in Belo Horizonte-MG by
the group called
“Fraternidade BH”, whose
activity is worth knowing.
On Monday, June 16th,
we celebrated another
anniversary of the
discarnation - in 1966 – of
Francisco Peixoto Lins,
better known as Peixotinho,
one of the greatest mediums
of physical effects in the
history of Spiritism, whose
initiation in Spiritism
occurred in the city of
Macaé-RJ, where he founded
with a group of friends, the
Spiritist Group Peter.