A chat with the medical
Juliana Mandato Ferragut
"Collective deaths and their
causes". This is the subject
of this week's editorial,
which reminds us of what the
spiritual literature offers
regarding the so-called
collective deaths and their
possible causes.
Juliana Mandate Ferragut,
was born in Sao Paulo and
lives in the city of Vinhedo
(SP). She is our
interviewee. She was born a
Spiritist and attends the
Spiritist Center "Centro
Espírita Allan Karded" in
the city where she lives,
and is a medical doctor.
Juliana is specialized in
infectious diseases, and
states that our thoughts and
feelings affect for the
better or worse the way we
react to infectious agents.
The interview is one of the
highlights of this edition.
Another highlight is the
conclusion of the Special:
"Grow old and die - A
biological and spiritual
approach", written by
Ricardo de Oliveira Baesso,
a physician working in Juiz
de Fora (MG) and a member of
the Editorial Board of this
journal. The first part of
the article was published in
the last edition.
On August 23rd and 24th, the
Brazilian Spiritist
Federation held an important
extraordinary meeting of its
National Federative Council
of which 25 state federative
entities took part, as
specially reported by Ana
Moraes. This is also one of
the highlights of this
EVOC (the Virtual Publisher
of the magazine O
Consolador) launched
last Friday, August 29, the
virtual edition of the book
"Healing", through awareness,
written by our colleague
Damian Borges Marins. Here
is the link to access EVOC:
Here you can download the
book free.