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Year 8 - N° 384 - October 12, 2014

Muriaé, Minas Gerais (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Rogério Coelho

Relentless multidisciplinary plan to sabotage Spiritism

Without Spiritism, the Doctrine of Jesus would still be suffocated within the walls of dogmas created by men distant from the essence and basis of Christianity

Part 2 (Final)

"Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand". - Jesus. (Mt 24:25.)

"Well, no Chief. We cast the Spiritists against each other, feeding their fights with multiple and varied explosive ingredients, such as, Jesus' fluidic body versus flesh body, virginity of Mary, Mother of Jesus, versus non-virginity, eating meat versus not eating meat, Spiritism is a religion versus Spiritism is not a religion, Kardec versus Roustaing, Kardec versus Pietro Ubaldi, Kardec versus Ramatis. We also included in our Spiritism sabotage menu the following, we put a Catholic bias within Spiritist Centers and they already celebrate baptism and marriage ceremonies. In others we placed an Umbanda bias, because after all Umbanda is "stronger" than Spiritism. We encouraged a broad spectrum of sabotage in the tasks of the real workers, by the idle, envious and resentful Spiritists. We also induced many to the use and abuse of alcohol and the like using it in the "harmless" sophistry "I only drink socially". We induced the use of tobacco, hard drugs, (after all everyone uses them). Moreover, after the vices were properly implanted, you should see, Sir, what we achieved in the area of dilapidated sex! 

Only very few Spiritists read the "Revue Spirite"  

We fed endless discussions and irreverence regarding the venerable Spiritist Institutions through their own press. We fomented vanity, pride, ambition, and individualism. We spread distrust, surreptitiously induced gossip with all its destructive potential, we valued the assistance to those who are in need, with no base on the Gospel and Coding, because ignorant people will not understand Kardec anyway, and as for Jesus they learn about Him in their churches. Almost every day we shut down study meetings and replaced them by "psychic meetings" coordinated by our embodied minions, as well as by disembodied "mentors", who belong to our ranks. We cause boredom and make the listeners fall asleep during the talks. We also cast a sleeping aid in the environment and this causes all listeners to "spiritually unfold" easily! 

Sir, you have to listen to the words of some songs in the Spiritist Centers! Totally divorced from Coding... Moreover, when someone calls their attention, the saving reply is "poetic license"! Through our agents, supported by our invisible companions, we also disseminated the "psychograped" books in the Spiritist Centers. You see the Spiritist Centers need money to support themselves and nothing better than a book, which is a real "goldmine" even if its level and doctrinal base are not so good. Who is interested in doctrinal support nowadays, if Kardec is not studied? There is a magazine "Revue Spirite" written by Kardec himself, and we managed to sabotage its reading and propaganda. Very few Spiritists read it and the majority never even heard about it. There are "Spiritists" so influenced by our agents that to move them away from the terrible series "Andre Luiz " we make them think that the "Christian Agenda " is a notebook to schedule appointments. 

The "deification" of mediums and speakers  

There is an odious book, which belongs to this series, called "Evolution in the Two Worlds". Not even people, who have studied in universities, have the courage to read it. We have agents specialized in keeping away people from all readings that go against our Kingdom. Lately, we launched a spectacular motto, which is already spreading everywhere, KARDEC IS OUTDATED! You must see, Chief, the amount of conferences and meetings that are held to "update Kardec"! We try, by all means, to replace the magnetic passes by alternative therapies (color therapy, phytotherapy, lithotherapy) and all "...therapy" that you can imagine. We suggest the use of white clothing (based on the lesson of Jesus about the whitewashed tombs), cleaned on the outside so that no one can see the rottenness inside. Lately, we are fomenting Spiritist associations of this and that, thus diving the Spiritist herd into closed areas, based on the lesson of the bundle of sticks, divide to weaken. We encourage the "deification" of mediums and speakers, with a lot of success, because vanity is always waiting to appear. We already have the "Spiritist Speaker" who arrives already warning, "Please, when I finish my lecture, do not applaud me ". He already knows, in advance, that he is going to "devastate". Does he talk about the inner reform? No way! May everything stay as it is. While Spiritists argue and quarrel because of Nonadas, their inner reform "goes nowhere", and together is the Gospel of Galileo and Kardec's Coding with all the subsidiaries works.

Spiritists are disembodying in bad conditions  

So, Chief, with this vast menu of seeding, a rich and tasty feast for our companions, there is no Spiritist movement that can withstand! In no time, nobody will hear about Kardec, or that damn Coding. Thus, the umbral and infernal regions will have assured a great feast.

You need to see how the Spiritists are already disembodying in bad conditions! After a long period of post-mortem disturbance, they become angry, like savage animals, when they discover that they did not have the reception they thought they deserved! They expected a band playing, a red carpet, and instead they find the umbral and thick darkness around them, and the sound of raucous laughter of our minions.

Our powerful tentacles embrace them from the portal of the tomb of mud, herding them into the umbral depth...

However, to be honest with you, Sir, I confess that one or another manage to escape, as it happened to one of them some time ago. He left the city of Uberaba and many of us were blind with so much light. We tried everything, but we had no success with this one specifically. He was a difficult little citizen from the state of Minas Gerais, in Brazil, difficult to tackle. He slipped like soap between our fingers. Now he is up there, so far high, that we cannot even see him. However, this is very rare, it does not happen easily. Most of them get stuck in our nets".

Well, we gave the word to Beelzebub. Now, let us counterbalance, giving it now to the illustrious Master Lyonnais, for a message of encouragement to the True Spiritist and Christian Spiritist:

"(...) What have they not done! What have they not put into action to smother the child in the crib? (...) If it is fair that we censor those who tried to explore Spiritism or denature it in writings, without having previously studied, then what can we say about those, who studied Spiritism, but besides leaving it, now have turned against it fighting it with all their efforts! 

One day everyone will be under one banner: Charity  

(...) Since I returned from the Spirits' world, I saw again some of these unfortunate! Repent now. Regret your inaction and unwillingness to want to recover the lost time. They will be soon back to Earth with the firm intention of competing for progress and they will still fight their previous tendencies until they finally succeed.  

We would believe that the Spiritists, having seen these examples, would be enlightened and would not repeat the same mistakes. However, it is not like this. For a long time, there will be false brothers and friends. However, they will not be able to remove Spiritism from its guideline. 

Although they cause transitory and local disturbance, the Doctrine will not endanger. On the contrary, misguided Spiritists will soon recognize their error and will collaborate with greater zeal in the work, which has been abandoned for a moment. They will act according to the Higher Spiritists, who work with humanitarian changes, and shall quickly walk into the times promised to the regenerated Humanity".

Our Master, Allan Kardec, goes on, "(...) When Jesus says, "Do not believe that I came to bring peace, but, rather division", He was saying "Do not believe that my Doctrine will be established in peace, (...) division shall reign within the same family. However, after the war, peace will come, and universal fraternity shall follow the hatred of the parties, and light will come after the darkness of fanaticism. The Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, will restore all things, that is, making known the true meaning of my words, and the most enlightened men will finally put an end to the fratricidal struggle that disunites the children of the same God. They will know who is a friend and who is an enemy. All of them will embrace one banner, Charity, and things will be restored on Earth, according to the Truth and the principles that I have taught you".


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