A chat with Isabela Pereira
Dias Esperança, from
“Correct behavior: correct
thought” is the title of the
week editorial, which
analyses the importance of
acts and behavior of the
human creature in its effort
to reach the goal that God
signed to his creatures,
that is perfection.
One of the highlights of
this issue is the interview
with Isabela Pereira Dias
Esperança, Portuguese
teacher from public state
school in Rio de Janeiro.
Linked to Sons of Light
Spirit Center, from Barra
Mansa (RJ), Isabela who is
scholar and researcher of
psychographed works of
Humberto Campos, speaks to
us about this marvelous
author’s work, which 80
years of his disembodiment
are celebrated this month.
Other high point of the
issue is the entitled “In
defense of woman”, by the
fellow Altamirando Carneiro,
São Paulo (SP). In the
article, he shows how it
came up and solidified the
Woman’s International Day,
we celebrate every year on 8th
In a special reporter, Orson
Peter Carrara has got focus
on the Universal Spirit
Center, Jaboticabal (SP),
which was founded in 1943
and is committed with the
construction of its new
building. Matter is equally
one of the highlights from
this present edition.
It was launched by EVOC –
Editorial Virtual O
Consolador (Virtual
Editorial The Comforter)
last Friday, 12th
December, the virtual
edition of the book “Prayers
to Kids and Young Adults”,
written by Maria Eny Paiva,
from Lins (SP). Here is the
link to EVOC’s page -
–, in which the book citied
can be downloaded for free.