José Maria Souto Netto
speaks to the magazine
“A planet surrounded by
shadows” is the title of
this week editorial, in
which it talks about what is
necessary, to our globe gets
to experience happier times
and reach the condition of
Regeneration World.
Among the highlights of the
week, we call reader’s
attention to the interview
given by the fellow José
Maria Souto Netto, from
Marília (SP). Connected to
the Spirit Centre Light and
Truth, to the Spirit
Hospital in Marília and to
USE Marília. Souto Netto
talks about his experience
in spreading Spiritism
through TV.
Another spot at this edition
is the special “Some history
of Spiritism”, written by
Arthut Bernardes de
Oliveira, who reassure in
his article that spirit
phenomena is universal and
the doctrine that he stands
is as well, because it can
be confirmed at anytime and
Paulo Salerno, concomitantly
to the magnificent You and
the Peace Movement, followed
in December the activities
developed by Divaldo Pereira
Franco at the Spirit Centre
Path of Redemption and at
Mansion Path, as it is shown
the special report written
by him which is one of this
week highlights.
It starts at this edition
the methodical and
sequential study of the book
Disobsession, a
50-year-written work by
André Luiz, via Waldo Vieira
and Francisco Cândido Xavier