Valdinei da Costa Prochnow
speaks to the magazine
“It Always sows... it is
what matters” is the title
of this issue editorial that
weaves considerations about
the parable the sower and it
explanation in the days we
live in.
One of the highlights of
this present edition is the
interview given to us by
Valdinei da Costa Prochnow,
from Rio Claro city (SP). In
the interview the confrere
talks about the spirit
meeting – the SOW – which
the union of the spirits
institutions in his city is
due to happen in May this
Another spot of this issue
is the final part of the
Special from confrere
Adilson Lorente, São Paulo
(SP), titled “Depression, a
spirit vision not Orthodox”.
The article was divided in
two parts. The first part
published last Sunday.
It comes in June, the 10º
Mednesp – National Congress
Spirit-Physician of Brazil,
which it will bring together
companions of 60
Spirit-Physicians in Brazil
and abroad, as it tells us
Giovana Campos, one special
report that also belongs to
one of the highlights of
this issue.
It was launched by EVOC –
the Virtual Publisher The
Comforter last Wednesday,
February 18th,
the virtual edition of the
book “Doctrinal Reflexions”,
by Leonardo Paixão. Here is
the link to EVOC’s page –
–, in which the book citied
can be downloaded for free.