A chat with Adilson Valdir
Baronceli, Loanda (PR)
“The drama of Christians in
the Muslim world” is the
title of our editorial,
which focus the unfortunate
attacks that have been
happening against Christian
in Asia and Africa by the
fundamentalists of Islamic
State and by the terrorist
group Boko Haram.
Our interviewer today is
Adilson Valdir Baronceli,
Loanda (PR). Agronomist and
businessman, Adilson is the
director of propagation in
the Spirit Center Our Home
and president of psychiatric
hospital Our Home. In the
interview, he talks about
the spirit movement in
Loanda and about
difficulties that the spirit
community has been facing to
assure hospital maintenance.
Gebaldo José de Sousa, de
Goiânia (GO), is the special
author of this week, titled
“Considerations about
marriage”. In the article,
which was detached in two
parts, he reminds us that
living together always
demands resignation from
each side and that marriage
is in fact a long-term
talking. The article’s
conclusion will be published
in the next issue.
Martha Rios Guimarães shows
how it was the training
course of spirit childhood
educators hold on March 7th,
São Paulo, under the
auspices of Union of Spirit
Societies SP. The report is
one of the highlights of
this edition.
Tomorrow, March 16th,
it is recorded another
anniversary of the
disembodiment of one of the
most important figures in
Brazil Spiritism: Luís
Olímpio Teles de Menezes,
who died in 1893 at age 65.
It is owned to Teles de
Menezes the foundation on
September 17th,
1865 the Spiritism Familiar
Group, first college
doctrinal opened in Brazil,
as well as the launch in
1869 of the newspaper The
Echo Beyond the Grave, the
first Brazilian spirit
journal. Published on the
letterpress Bahia Diary, the
newspaper had 56 pages and
had gone abroad – London,
Madrid, New York and Paris.