To live wisely and not have regrets later
It much has been discussed the book "The Top Five Regrets of the Dying", by Bronnie Ware, an Australian nurse who spent several years working in the area of palliative care, watching many patients in the last 12 weeks of their lives. The comments she collected in touch with these people were first published in a blog that, given the success she had, it gave rise to the book to which we refer.
According to the nurse, patients obtained, generally speaking, clarity of thinking when approaching the feared moment of death, which point remorse and regret end up being inevitable.
It was drawn from her work, this is what Bronnie Ware listed as the top five regrets of those who are to die, followed by their own comments:
1. I wish I had had the courage to live the life I wanted, not the life others expected me to live.
"That was the most common regret. When people realize that their life is almost over and look back, it is easy to see how many dreams have not been realized. Most people did not realize even half of their dreams and have to die knowing that it happened because of decisions they have taken, or not."
2. I wish I would not have worked so hard.
"I heard that from all the male patients I watched. They missed having more experienced youth of their children and the company of their partners. All the men I spoke regretted spending so much time of their lives in the work environment."
3. I wish I had had the courage to express my feelings.
"Many people suppressed their feelings to be at peace with others. As a result, they settled in a mediocre existence and never became who they really were capable of being. Many developed illnesses relating to the bitterness and resentment they carried."
4. I wish I had kept in touch with my friends.
"They did not often perceive the advantages of having old friends to come up with their last weeks of life and it was not always possible to trace these people. Many were so involved in their own lives that left gold friendships been lost over the years. Everybody misses friends when they're dying. "
5. I wish I had allowed myself to be happier.
"This is a surprisingly common regret. Many only realize it at the end of life - That happiness is a choice. People get stuck in old habits and patterns."
It can be seen in the list above that not all problems can be responsible for human creature unhappiness are described therein. There are indeed many others, and one of them is quoted by Abel Gomes on a constant message of the book "Speaking to Earth", psychographic work by Francisco Cândido Xavier: "In the way we grow in wisdom and love, we consider the loss of minutes as being the most unfortunate and ruinous of all."
Health and harmony in life, this is the dream of all people. However, many forget that this achievement is the result of our own attitudes towards life and to other people, as André Luiz proposed in the message entitled "Health Precepts", which compliance will save us from unnecessary regrets at the end of our passing through.
Here is what Andrew recommends us:
1 - Save the heart at peace, ahead of all situations and all things. All assets of life are God's.
2 - Support in the strictly accomplished. There is no physical balance without spiritual harmony.
3 - Cultivate the habit of prayer. Prayer is Light in defense of the body and soul.
4 - Take your time available with the fruitful work, without forgetting the indispensable rest at fair remake. The suggestion of darkness comes to us through the empty hours.
5 - Study forever. The renewal of ideas favors the wise renovation of organic cells.
6 - Avoid cholera. Anger up is animalizing up falling in low-level shadows.
7 - Escape from gossip. The shaken sludge reaches to who revolves it.
8 - Whenever possible, breathe the long gulps and not forget the daily bath, even if it is fast. Clean air is precious food and cleaning is simple obligation.
9 - Eat little. The sensible creature eats to live, while the reckless creature lives to eat.
10 - Use patience and forgiveness tirelessly. We all have been charitably tolerated million times by Divine Goodness and keeping the heart in intolerance of vinegar is causing the own drop in useless death. (From the book "Lessons of Life" psychic work psychographic by the medium Francisco Cândido Xavier.)