A chat with the young adult
Diógenes Dassan Feijó
“Which is our biggest
opponent?” is the title of
our editorial, in which is
declared the reasons,
according to Spiritism, that
explain the spiritual delay
that characterized the
habitants in the planet we
live in.
Our interviewed in this
edition is the young adult
Diógenes Dassan Feijó,
vice-president of Bezerra de
Menezes Spirit Association,
São José do Rio Pardo (SP),
who talks in the interview
about his start in Spiritism
and the importance of
studying in the life of the
spirit who intends to be
helpful, especially in
mediumship department. The
interview is one of the
highlights of this edition.
Another spot is the titled
especial “Spirit Youth:
changes in progress”, where
Antonio Cesar Perri de
Carvalho, previous president
of Brazilian Spirit
Federation, weaves points
about guidelines to actions
to young spirits in Brazil
approved in 2013 by the
National Federal Border.
On May 3rd,
Divaldo Franco did a
workshop about “Seizing
Fullness” at the Conference
Centre in Bahia. There were
2000 people, as it shows the
report done by Júlio
Zacarchenco, which is also
one of the highlights of
this actual edition.
In a day like today, May 31st,
1886, Dr. Bezerra de Menezes
wrote to his brother Manoel
Soares Bezerra, a Catholic
leader in Fortaleza, a
letter where he told him his
support to Spiritism. The
letter, which became to
public years later, is a
testimony of a huge
doctrinal value, because its
author exposes the reasons
he became spirit. It is
available on internet, if
the reader wants to download
it, just click on the link: