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Letter to the reader Portuguese Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 420 - June 28, 2015
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


A chat with Lúcia Inês Gomes, from Volta Redonda

“Is there life in other worlds?” is the title of the present edition, in which are made comments about life conditions in Mars and what was published in Allan Kardec’s work.

Lúcia Inês Gomes, from Volta Redonda (RJ), is our interviewed. The current president of the Spirit Center Followers of Christ speaks to the magazine about the traditional spirit book fair in Volta Redonda, event that reaches the 27th edition this year; it constitutes a valuable experience to propagate Spiritism. The report is one of the highlights of this issue. 

Another spot is the especial titled “The Gospel at Home”, from confrere Abel Sidney de Souza, from Porto Velho, Rondônia. In the article, Abel Sidney reminds us a known text from Joanna de Ângelis in which the mentor of Divaldo Franco claims: “When Home becomes a sanctuary; the crime retracts to the museum. When a family prays, Jesus lingers at home”. 

It happened last Sunday, 21st June, in Londrina (PR), one more meeting of Inter-North Region, annual event promoted by Spirit Federation of Paraná, with participation of the 4ª, 5ª, 6ª and 16ª UREs Spirits Houses. The local was the Spirit Center Our Home, as it shows an especial report which is also one of the spots from this edition.  

It was launched by EVOC – Virtual Publisher of The Comforter on the last Friday, 26th June, one more virtual work: “My husband is an alcoholic”, from Damião Borges Marins. The reader can download or read it for free accessing the webpage of EVOC - http://www.oconsolador.com.br/editora/evoc.htm


  Director of Writing: Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho

Administrative Director: José Carlos Munhoz Pinto


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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism