A chat with
Roni Ricardo Osório Maia, de
Redonda (RJ)
"Charlie Charlie", a play
that can do much harm is the
title of our editorial,
which reflects on the risks
that can happen to those who
are dedicated to psychic
practice without knowledge
and without serious
Author of "Words of Solace,"
Roni Ricardo Osório Maia,
Volta Redonda (RJ), tells us
in an interview, how he
wrote this book and why in
it the highlight is the work
done by the remarkable
medium Yvonne A. Pereira
Mineiro from Santa Rita de
Jacutinga (MG), the confrere
is spirit speaker and has
been linked to AEEV - Spirit
Association Students of
Truth since 1995. His
interview is one of the
highlights of this edition.
Another highlight is the
special "Moses and the Ten
Commandments in the Light of
Christ", written by the
confrere Jorge Leite de
Oliveira, who reminds us in
his article, that it started
with Moses the idea of the
one God among the Hebrews,
and spread around the world.
The Ten Commandments,
psychically transmitted to
Moses on Mount Sinai, are
the focus of the article.
On the premises of Oxford
House in London was held on
the 27th of last June the
1st Meeting of the Spirit
family in the UK, which
adopted as its central
theme: "The Family: the
basis for building a future
of peace" as told by Claudia
Werdine our companion in a
report which is also one of
the highlights of this
We have concluded in this
issue the methodical study
of the book Genesis, the
Miracles and Predictions
According to Spiritism,
by Allan Kardec, thus ending
studies on the called
Kardecian Pentateuch. Next
week is going to start the
sequential study of the book
What is Spiritism,
Kardec's authorship, which
he himself indicated as
being the first to be read
by neophytes in Spiritism.