In this issue, we continue the study of the book, What is Spiritism, launched in Paris in July 1859. This study will be divided into 19 parts. The pages cited in the text and suggested for reading refer to the 20th edition published by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (Federacao Espirita Brasileira). The answers to the questions suggested for discussion can be found at the end of this text.
Questions for discussion
A. The year 1861 recorded a remarkable fact in the international Spiritist movement annals. What event was that?
B. Kardec defines, in a message addressed to the Lyonnais Spiritists in early 1862, the highest quality and the worst defect of a Spiritist group. Which ones are they?
C. What is the definition of Spiritism given by Kardec in the opening of this book?
Reading Text
12. In 1856, Professor Rivail attended the meetings at Mr. Roustan’s, where Miss Japhet worked. She was a sleepwalker, and received communications with the help of the beak-shaped basket. He asked this psychic to examine all the messages previously received and which he had put in order. This work was, at first, accomplished in the regular meetings. However, following the Spirits’ instructions and to give more attention to this examination, they continued in private sessions. (Biography, page 19).
13. The examination made with the help of Miss Japhet did not satisfy him entirely, so every time he had the opportunity, professor Rivail used to propose some of the questions that needed to be clarified. He then wrote: "It was like this than more than ten psychics provided their assistance to this work. It was by comparing and merging all these answers, coordinates, classified and often remade in the silence of meditation, that I wrote the first edition of The Book of Spirits, which appeared on April 18, 1857". (Biography, page 19).
14. When the time came to publish it, the author was embarrassed because he did not know how to sign it, should he do it using his civil name, or a pseudonym. Since his name was very well known within the scientific world, because of his previous work, and this could lead to some confusion and even harm the success of this enterprise, he followed the suggestion of signing it by the name of Allan Kardec, his previous name as a Druid. (Biography, page 20).
15. The first evident manifestation of the Spirit of Truth to Professor Rivail occurred at his home on 03.25.1856, through knocks. The next day, at Mr. Baudin’s, the teacher was able to talk to the Spirit of Truth, introduced by another spiritual entity as a familiar Spirit to the teacher. And so he identified himself: "For you I will be called Truth, and every month for fifteen minutes, I'll be here, at your disposal." (Biography, pages 20 and 21).
16. Professor Rivail asked the Spirit of Truth if that name would be an allusion to the truth that he was looking for. The answer was: "Maybe or at least that there is a guide to assist and protect you". Trying to find out the Spirit’s identity, the teacher asked if he had lived as some known person in this Earth. The answer was symptomatic: "I told you that for you I am the Truth and on your part you have to be discreet. You will not know more than this”. (Biography, pages 21 and 22).
17. Due to the success that "The Book of Spirits" reached, Kardec decided to create a Spiritism newspaper. He asked Mr. Tiedeman for a financial support, but the latter did not want to go into this venture. On 15.11.1857, Kardec asked his guides, through the medium Ermance Dufaux, what he should do. The Spirits told him to put his idea into execution, and not to worry about the rest. The first issue of the "Spiritist Magazine" was published on January 1, 1858, without a single subscriber, nor a capitalist partner. The success was amazing, the numbers followed and, as predicted by the Spirits, the newspaper became a powerful help for Kardec in his encoding work. (Biography, pages 22 and 23).
18. On 12.06.1856, Miss Aline C. mediated an interesting dialogue between Kardec and the Spirit of Truth, who told him about his mission, explaining that it would be harsh and difficult. "Do not believe that it will be enough to publish a book, two books, ten books, and live quietly at home. No, you will have to be present and face conflicts. Terrible hatred will be incited against you, bitter enemies will plan your loss, and you will be exposed to slander, calumny, and betrayal, even from those that you think are more dedicated to you. Your best instructions will be contested and denatured. Over and over you will break down under the weight of fatigue, in a word, it will be a constant struggle that you will have to sustain with the sacrifice of your rest, your tranquility, your health and even your life, because you will not live for a long time”. More than ten years later, Kardec made a note on his memoirs that the prediction had been fully fulfilled. (Biography, pages 23 and 24).
19. The Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies was founded on April 1, 1858. Until then, the meetings were held in Kardec's house on the Street of the Martyrs, having Miss Ermance Dufaux as the main medium. In the meeting room there was place for up to 20 people, but soon there were already 30 participants. Some of the people present proposed to form a Spiritist society and hire a more appropriate location. The first meeting, after the founding of the Society, was held on a Tuesday at the Palais-Royal, Valois gallery. Two years later, the Society settled in its own headquarters, on the street and passage Sant’Anne, number 59, in the French capital. (Biography, pages 25 and 26).
20. The experimental Spiritism is surrounded by much more difficulties than it is generally believed, and the pitfalls are numerous. This is why it causes so much disappointment in those that deal with it without having the needed experience and knowledge. (Biography, page 31).
21. "The Book of Mediums" is the vade-mecum of all those who want to devote themselves to the practice of experimental Spiritism and it is also the surest guide we can use to explore, without danger, the field of mediumship. (Biography, pages 31 and 32).
22. As Kardec says, “No doubt, we wish that the followers increase, however, what matters is not the quantity, but the quality”. (Biography, page 33). (Continues in the next issue).
Answers to the proposed questions
A. The year 1861 recorded a remarkable fact in the international Spiritist movement annals. What event was that?
It was the Act of Faith in the city of Barcelona, ordered by the local bishop, in which 300 books, legally imported by Mr. Maurice Lachatre, were burnt in public. This occurred on October 9, 1861. (What is Spiritism, pages 34 and 35).
B. Kardec defines, in a message addressed to the Lyonnais Spiritists in early 1862, the highest quality and the worst defect of a Spiritist group. Which ones are they?
The stability of a group requires a fraternal bond among them. Every group that is formed and does not practice true charity has no capacity to survive. The worst defect in a group is the existence of rivalry between its members. (Ibid, Biography, page 40).
C. What is the definition of Spiritism given by Kardec in the opening of this book?
Spiritism is, at the same time, a science of observation and a philosophical doctrine. As a practical science, it consists of the relations established between us and the Spirits. As a philosophy, it comprises all the moral consequences that flow from these same relations. According to Kardec, we can define it like this: "Spiritism is a science that deals with the nature, origin and destiny of Spirits, as well as their relationship with the corporeal world." (Ibid, Preamble, page 50).