A chat with Márcio Pereira
de Souza, from Spirit
“Work: blessing opportunity”
is the title of our
editorial which focuses on
the work of spirit
propagation done by our
fellows from Spirit Agenda
Brazil and its relevant
“We seek to live up to the
responsibility that Divine
Providence has given us."
The phrase is from the
confrere Márcio Pereira de
Souza, from São José do Rio
Preto (SP), a team member
who edits Spirit Agenda
Brazil. In an interview
given to this magazine, he
tells us about the portal's
purpose and the results have
been already achieved. The
matter is one of the
highlights of this edition.
Another highlight is the
Special entitled
Considerations of the book
Studying "Our Home", in
which the confrere José
Passini, from Juiz de Fora
(MG), looks over a
psychographic book by the
medium Carlos A. Baccelli,
whose spiritual authorship
is attributed to the Spirit
Inácio Ferreira. The work
was published by LEEPP
Divaldo Franco attended the
6th Spirit Congress
CEJA-Barra, sponsored by the
Spirit Joanna Centre Joana
de Ângelis-Barra and it was
held at Citibank Hall, in
Barra da Tijuca, Rio de
Janeiro, with the
participation of 3,600
people, as it is shown in
the report of Júlio
Zacarchenco that it is also
one of the highlights of
this edition.
It starts on September 19th,
at 15:00, the 24ª Spirit
Week of Londrina, with
lecture given by the
journalist André Trigueiro,
who is going to talk about
“Spiritism and Ecology”. The
theme’s Spirit Week is
“Death, awake for a new
life”. Information about the
event can be found in the
section “Brazilian Spirit
Movement”. Here is the