Work: blessing opportunity
All work on good is light for one who performs it and who receives it. We all have responsibilities in life and we must a lot cooperate with the Divine Providence, which trusted us and gave opportune labors.
To each one is given its own resources for its growth, although many still feel their burden much heavier than their ability to take it. Many other hikers on the journey although has truly undertake the work and are dedicated to individual and common progress.
Discipline is the characteristic of all valuable development, and the belief in a work that follows love and noble principles, the support for their advancement.
A remarkable work has been done by the workers of the Spirit Agenda Brazil, a site that aims to disseminate the Doctrine and spirit events held across the country. (Read about this job the interview that Márcio Pereira de Souza gave us and that is one of the highlights of this edition.)
It is known that those who have better conditions and understanding should also cooperate more with evolution; the brothers who still comprise less need of protection who can with a little more insight to get them to see the light.
The portal which we has referred is committed to the spread of the Doctrine events and its collaborators have understood that they much can cooperate in this way through different dissemination tools. Take information, love and encouragement to the hearts, according to the Gospel, for all parts of Brazil, such is its ultimate goal.
“All [what is indifferent in itself] I may, but not everything I should." (1 Corinthians 6:12.)
The above sentence, Paul of Tarsus authored, is applicable to all situations. Now there is nothing more convenient than taking a good message to one person. And when there is the possibility to take it to a larger number of people, the commitment expands enormously and its importance as well. If something reflects individually, it has certain value, but when includes the people, unarguably, its value grows in the same proportion.
Spiritism has a religious, scientific and philosophical character and it is natural that many readers of Spirit Agenda Brazil, like many other portals also committed to the light of good, seek in the doctrine answers to their pain and questions. It is then that the serious work makes all the difference, it is then able to answer, in its scope, hearts in need of comfort or clarification.
Given this, the outreach work of the Doctrine is essential, demanding solely to be done cautiously, responsibly and a product of a careful assessment of all published material, because there is a lot of work and long time is spent to build something in good, while in a few seconds, something unfounded or negative can devastate the long work done by countless people. It will be therefore always necessary knowledge, reading and especially the loving feeling to reach hearts.
Voluntary work should be considered an activity of deep responsibility and love, because usually the person who fills it, it is the great beneficiary, even though, as we know, it is not performing any exceptional mister.
So when there is opportunity to perform this action, it behooves us thank Providence and commit ourselves with respect, love, dedication and a lot commitment to the assumed task, certain that the noble goals always count on divine protection and the constant assistance of the good dealers, whether or not disembodied.