Portals of light that
need help
Even with a purpose so ennobling, even the greatest adversity for many release stations of the spirit doctrine is the financial issue. Such as Web Radio Portal of Luz, which needs resources for its maintenance and, with some difficulty, survives on selling books, CDs and advertising banners in order to bring encouragement, peace and hope to countless needy hearts of our world.
This financial barrier does not deter the work that already belongs to the heart, but it hinders a lot and delays, as the most developed technological tools have a high cost to deploy. However, with the belief in good and love everything becomes possible, albeit at a slower pace; and, with the indulgent and true spirituality help, the consoling word reaches the farthest corners and makes the most hardened heart begins to hear reports about the love of a Master of light.
There must be understood that the granted goodness, apparently, to one person is also favorable for countless others and even the spirits in difficult and distressing situations, with gathering of the beneficent work and comforting words, can greatly benefit and begin to awaken for a new path.
The task of a radio station via the Internet, such as Web Radio Portal of Light, is of great importance and responsibility, because the access via the Internet is immediate and includes people of all classes and creeds, here and abroad, seeking clarification and, above all, comfort to adverse situations in which many find themselves.
The internet is, for these and other, a fabulous and effective resource that Spirits institutions count on, which still face much resistance to the dissemination of the spirit teachings on traditional radio and TV.
In the face of so many obstacles, the spirit movement realized the need to improve on the use of digital tools and thus enjoy the contemporary appeal to their goal of spreading the Good News and the spirit doctrine.
There are many, however, portals of light that need help, it is known that the good to be done needs to have fraternal root in the heart and be in constant strengthening to withstand the onslaughts of forces unaware of light and love. However, as it has mentioned, if the project is already in the heart, it is only a matter of time and commitment to the kindly light reaches everywhere.
The portals of light - nobody ignores - will always exist, but need help and care to continue the work they propose, so essential to succeed the emancipation of the planet - blessed work whose execution the Master Jesus gave to those as us, live here.