A chat with the medium Maria
Aparecida Grespan Arita
“One world, two worlds, many
worlds...” is the title of
our editorial which analysis
the crisis in Brazil and it
effects different social
groups that constitutes the
population of a certain
country or place.
“Psychographics for me is a
pleasure activity.” That
sentence was said by the
medium Maria Aparecida
Grespan Arita, from
Junqueirópolis (SP), in an
interview given to our
collaborator Wellington
Balbo. The medium talks
about her work in
psychographic field and
about mediumship works of
her authorship already
published. The interview is
one of our highlights of the
current edition.
Another spot is the Especial
“The soul of Spiritism”,
written by our collaborator
Orson Peter Carrara, from
Matão (SP). In the article,
quoting a speech made by
Allan Kardec on November 1st,
1868, he recalls that
according to the encoder of
the doctrine, Spiritism soul
is charity.
Divaldo Franco was the
launching event’s attraction
on October 4th,
in the Spirit Association
Francisco de Assis and the
Primary School Thales
Theisen, in the south city
Santa Cruz do Sul. It is
described by our
collaborator Paulo Salerno
in a report which is also
one of the highlights of
this number.
Tomorrow, October 19th,
it is recorded another year
of Cesare Lombroso’s
disincarnating which
happened in Turin, Italy, in
1909. Author of the spirit
classic Hypnotism and
Mediumship, Lombroso was
born in Verona and
highlighted as a
psychiatric, anthropologist
and criminologist known