Ivan Franzolim speaks
to the
“First the light; then the
steps” is the tile of our
editorial, which talks about
the importance of knowledge
and the study tin the
spiritual development of
human creatures.
“It is necessary to
encourage people’s
intellectual curiosity and
the taste for studying
Spiritism.” This phrase is
from Ivan Franzolim, our
interviewed of the week, who
talks about the difficulties
that spirit movement passes
through in our country,
where living with different
currents of divergent
thoughts and even
conflicting. The interview
is one of the highlights of
this number.
Another spot is the especial
“Quantum Physics and
materialism”, written by
Alexandre Fontes da Fonseca.
In the article, after
defining what it is Quantum
Physics, the writer explains
why the spirit movement has
shown huge interest in the
Divaldo Franco was once more
in our State, where he spoke
in a numerous public on the
days of November 9 and 10 in
the cities of Foz do Iguaçu
and Cascavel, respectively,
as it is said by Paulo
Salerno in an article which
is also one of the
highlights in the edition.
It is concluded in this
issue the study of What
is Spiritism, work that
emerged in Paris in July
1859, authored by Allan
Kardec. The study, which was
published along 19 editions,
will be followed by the book
Practical Instructions
about Spirit Manifestations,
also written by Kardec.
Insurmountable difficulties
in the use of email for the
dissemination of weekly
highlights magazine of
The Comforter forced us
to modify the scheme that
until weeks ago worked
regularly. Given this, we
communicate to everyone that
henceforth the weekly
magazine highlights will be
posted in Espiritismo
Século XXI (Spiritism
Century XXI) blog on
Saturdays, at exactly 17
hours. Here is the link:
Related post will also be
shared in facebook and
twitter, addresses below: