The medium Ed'Lauro Ferreira
Santos speaks to the
“Sorrow... until when?” is
the title of our editorial
which brings considerations
about events that occupied
journalists program in the
beginning of this week.
Our interviewed of the day
is the confrere Ed’Lauro
Ferreira Santos, medium and
spirit chief and current
president of the Spirit
Centre Star of the Harvest,
settled in the outskirts of
Salvador (BA). In the
interview which is one of
the spotlight of this
edition, he talks about his
initiation in Spiritism and
about the book Ambrósio,
a psychic romance by him
Another spot in the edition
is the Especial title “Como
nasceu o Diabo” – How was
the Devil born, authored by
our collaborator Rogério
Coelho, from Muriaé (MG). As
it is claimed, the Devil
“was killed and buried by
the spirit knowledge.
Divided in two parts, the
article will be concluded
next week.
“Eduardo Carvalho Monteiro –
A friend between the human
and sacred” is the tile of
the special subject written
by Wilson Garcia about the
missed confrere Eduardo
Carvalho Monteiro who left
us too early, untimely, ten
years ago December 2005. The
article is also one of the
highlghts of this issue.
It closes in this edition
the methodical and
sequential study of the book
Conduta Espírita –
Spirit Behavior, by André
Luiz, which will be followed
by the study of the book
Agenda Cristã –
Christian Agenda, the same
author, psychic work
psychographic by the medium
Francisco Cândido Xavier.